Tuesday, May 30, 2017

The Light That Never Dims

Abigail at age 8
6 Months Old

2 Days Old 

Wrapped up like a little 9 lb burrito

Easter Sunday Best - Albuquerque, NM Zoo

Smart, beautiful, and Intelligent Middle  School Kiddo!

If you were to ask me a year and a half ago that I would be where I am today I would've laughed you clear out of this room. But It Is Real! God has been good to me. Yes, I have had my medical ups and downs, suffered from severe lows and the greatest of highs but one thing that has remained a constant for me is the Love I have for my Abigail, my daughter, my love, my heart, my reason to fight and never give up. She is the most amazing person I know. She gives without expecting anything in return, her heart is pure and open to all people, and her mind, oh that beautiful mind, remains filled with intellect, wonders, and dreams she has a written out plan to achieve. God has blessed me with this One child and I now know why. She is the light of the world to me of course and I truly believe she will bring love, light, and extraordinary discoveries to  the world and all of you.


Proud Mom :) 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Ode To Bulimia

Here I am, naked bare,
exposed to my core, hiding no more,
bulimia is her name and she consumes my every thought,
my soul has been sold and bought.
Bulimia go away,
my teeth, you took them they did not stay.
Employers run they think I am on drugs,
I am stepped on and walked over as if I were a used rug.
Smiling is something Ii just simply do not do,
in fear of what those around me say about the when, where, why, and who.
I can't be myself, I am a recluse.
I don't bother going out, I remain an elusive chanteuse. 
I say I don't care what people say about me but I really do,
in the back of my mind I wonder if some one will understand, will it be you?
I wish I had my life back bulimia, the one I had before you,
I wasn't happy then, I am not happy now, I am stuck, what is that I do?


                                                      Well , I don't really mind                            Where you wanna go 'Caus...