It feels so good when you have your life all in order (or for the most part) without so much drama, turmoil, or worry. I am meeting new people and weeding people out rather quickly. But the one or two who I continue to converse with are really good people. Lately I have been a bit more vocal about certain things and have possibly hurt some feelings or maybe they don't care. I struggle a lot with most personalities but I know its because of I approach things with truth and honesty. I like people to keep it real with me. I am no one to lie to. I am not that important to where you have to habitually lie to me for some unknown reason.
I have made the choice to wake up and do what's right and that includes doing what's hard. I tell God daily that I know I will not be perfect today but I will walk by faith and not by fear. I know he is near and I feel his presence around me. I could dismiss all of what I know to be right and do as the world does, but then that would not be me. I used to struggle with finding who I am and what my purpose was on this earth. I struggle no longer. Once I realized that God guides my life, I let go of all that burdened me, my worries, fears and doubts and in that process I found myself. I am a child of God!
I have made the choice to wake up and do what's right and that includes doing what's hard. I tell God daily that I know I will not be perfect today but I will walk by faith and not by fear. I know he is near and I feel his presence around me. I could dismiss all of what I know to be right and do as the world does, but then that would not be me. I used to struggle with finding who I am and what my purpose was on this earth. I struggle no longer. Once I realized that God guides my life, I let go of all that burdened me, my worries, fears and doubts and in that process I found myself. I am a child of God!