"As soon as I start wondering, wondering how the story ends, I just let go and let God, Let God have is way."
I begin with that quote from a beautiful gospel song I like to listen to. Sometimes we sit and worry so much about life and the things and behaviors we cannot control. I know that anything that involves human relationships can be sticky, tricky, and complicated, and its on us to hold tight to our moral values in those situations. We have to be the ones to take responsibility of moving forward and moving on from toxic situations. I have come a very long way since 2014, I no longer need help nor validation of self to get through my day. People will be people and if that is not conducive to my mental health and well being then I know that's God revealing to me to move forward. I am not afraid to move on in any situation. I will walk away from a high paying second job if the environment and the people are not worth it. I do not believe in living in the gray area or that there even is one, I see things very black and white. You either are or aren't, you either can or cannot, and you're either loyal or disloyal. I just don't see how people allow so much "wiggle" room in their lives when you only get one. I did it because I wanted my family to love me as a child, but I learned very quickly over the years as I grew into a young woman that there is nothing you can do nor say to a person who hates you for a reason you will never understand nor identify with.
I learned to just focus on myself and what I need to do to stay on top of my game and honestly, simply allow myself to be happy amidst the pain I have endured. I am not placing blame on any one individual but I am also not taking the blame that has been placed upon me in certain situations, You can't wait for someone to forgive you. You have to forgive yourself! Forgive yourself as God forgives our sins, and pray for the hearts of those who refuse to see who you are and have become. You cannot change those people, but you can change yourself. Its up to you and what you want in your life. I choose, stability and a sense of joy that will lead to day to day happiness.
I am 35 years old as of This past Saturday, February 23rd, 2019! And you know what? I feel great!!